Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tangible truth

I look around me and see beauty and love
The space we share is support
I sit in contentment letting life unfold
Then inspiration hits and I jump up with joy
Oh together we will learn
Together we will grow
I begin to plan, I begin to move
I reach to the shelf grasping for knowledge
Our shelves are empty though
When did that happen?
I thought we had many books
I am concerned, but you say not to worry
I turn to the desk
That old place of study
Where once I remember we sat
Learning in joy
As I grasp at the chair to sit myself in
It wavers and becomes like smoke
Drifting away
What is happening?
The desk wavers too and smoke drifts up
I begin to turn around asking
Dear one, where is everything going?
What everything?
You ask
Those things weren't really there
I just let you think they were
My books are kept on other shelves
Your chair was nice but not nice enough for me to help make it real
I am shocked
I am wounded
Everything I saw
All the beauty and love
It is not there
I stand in an empty room
Berrated for assuming that I was good enough to share anything
The lies, the deceit
Are layed at my door
It is my fault for assuming
I saw things that were never there
Nothing was their fault
They never actually said they were there
They just pretended and I believed them
It is my own fault
In the empty room I sit
Surrounded by truth
And this I can touch
This I can feel
This I can hold
My strength
I was always here
Ready to love
Ready to be loved
They were the lie
I am cleansed in truth
I am strong in self worth
I was always here
They never were

1 comment:

  1. self-deceptions... what we think we know confuses us more than what we do not know.
