There once were two sisters. Their names were Terra and Luna. Born in the fire of creation, their birth was such an ordeal, they were born fused together. Their Father, the burning star, loved his daughters very much. Everyday, he would look in on them, and give them his warm embraces.
Over time, the burning star's daughters grew. From a small, clean slate, they began to grow. Beautiful skins of honey they developed. Long flowing hair of pale coppers and greens. Bones of strength and beauty grew long. From their fertile breasts flowed the waters of life. And as the life sustaining waters pooled around them, a curious thing began to happen. Life, individual of the sisters began to live and grow upon their bodies. With the warm embraces of their Father to support it, and the waters of the sisters to sustain it, life grew and evolved. Terra and Luna were overjoyed at the small creatures that lived upon them. So deeply touched were they, that they gave of themselves to protect and nourish their children. The sisters became mothers.
One day, a terrible fight errupted in the heavens. Unaware of the enmity between many of their siblings, the sisters did not know of the terrible disagreement until it was too late. They could neither avoid, nor stop the missile that broke loose. It hit with a ferocious force. Terrible pain assaulted the sisters. With an unimaginable sound, they were torn apart. The missile seperating what their birth had joined together. Into the heavens flew Luna, as Terra looked on in horror. With instinct and love as her guide, Terra grabbed her sibling before she flew too far. But Luna was heavy. Terra had not the strength to pull her back to her. The strenth of Terra's love, the strength of her heart, the flow of her blood in her veins, kept Luna close. But they were forever seperated.
And oh, what a horror to Luna, when she looked upon herself reflected in her sister's waters, she discovered she had lost her outer self. No more skin of honey tones, no more flowing hair in the breeze, no more waters of life. Only the bones remained. The skeleton of who she had been. Lost as she was to her sister's embrace, she was now also naked in her solitued. Her dear children were gone also, still with Terra living on the fertile plains of her sister's curves. Alone and unprotected, Luna struggled. She tried to grab for her old self. Putting out her fingers, she plunged them into the waters, trying to pull them to her. When that didn't work, she went to her Father. "I am so cold, so alone, I cannot feel your warmth any longer Father". For a long while the burning star thought. In his wisdom, he came up with a plan. He would teach his daughters to dance. So they began. "Spin, my daughters, spin in dance". And so they spun. Terra spun in her dazzling array of colors, and her father embraced her in her dance, escorting her along her path. Then came Luna, following in Terra's steps. Luna spun toward her Father. He released Terra and took hold of Luna. Once again, after what seemed an eternity, Luna felt the warm embrace of her Father. Luna spun and spun, and her Father shared her path for a time, until he let her go and took hold of her sister once again. Around and around they went.
The creatures on Terra looked on in amazement. Never had they seen anything so beautiful as the dance of the burning star with his daughters. The creatures were happy that Luna had once again been embraced by her Father's light. For they missed her presence, and longed for her. They were surprised and saddened to see how naked she was up in the heavens. They were sad that their Luna should go around in such a cold and grey state. "And look", they said, "even her waters, those that came from her miss her, for they flow to and from her, as though trying to find a way to rejoin her in her heavenly home. The waters rise so high to try and meet her, but they cannot fly high enough. Oh it is so sad", they say. "All that is left are her bones. No soft skin to walk upon, no waters to drink, no flowing hair to sit beneath. She is now the bone Lady, our Luna. Clothed in light, she is the beauty of the heavens, radiant in her nakedness."
Luna heard the the creatures. Up in her vast heavens, she heard their words and felt their love. "Perhaps", she thought, "I am not so ugly and bare. Perhaps, I can still be beautiful without all the adornment I left behind. My creatures, my children, they still love me and look to me, though I no longer nourish or support them. Perhaps I can inspire them through my dance, through my light in the dark, rather than through my body as I did before." Terra heard her sister's musings, and her heart broke for her beloved sister; so alone and without the warm trappings she had always had. Tears of sadness fell from Terra's eyes. Then, a curious thing happened. Wherever a tear fell, a plant would bloom. And to Luna, would the plant bow. At even the smallest glanse from her would the plant burst from it's seed and grow toward the heavens, as though trying to reach her.
And so time wore on. The plants bloomed and multiplied, all loyal and reverant toward their beloved Luna. The waters upon Terra still flowed to the rythm of Luna's graceful dance. And the creatures upon Terra multiplied and grew. They continued to honor their Terra and they looked to their Luna in the heavens for her inpiration through her graceful dance and her luminous changes. The creatures taught their children, who taught their children, who taught their children. And the two sisters, so close in body and fused in love, continued their dancing, growing in love and warmth under the encompassing love of their Father.
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